Wild Surge List for Taeran Campaigns

Roll 1d6 and 1d%, and read the result on the table below. If a result refers to the "intended effect," it means whatever effect would have happened without the surge, whether spell or otherwise. If the entry refers to the "target," it means the original target of the intended effect (one creature or object if applicable, otherwise the one creature or object closest to the center of the effect). When a result refers to "caster level," assume the caster level of the inteded effect unless the result entry says otherwise. An entry starting with Intended effect happens means that the original effect happens exactly as if a surge had not happened, except as noted in the result entry.

Surge Result
1-2 01 Wall of Force (same caster level) appears in front of you.
1-2 02 You smell like a skunk for same duration as intended effect. Can only be removed with Remove Curse or the like.
1-2 03 8 small, nonpoisonous snakes shoot forth from your fingertips. They don't attack.
1-2 04 Your clothes itch for the rest of the day (-2 penalty to DEX while wearing clothes). If you change clothes, the effect stays with you.
1-2 05 Light spell (same caster level) centered on you.
1-2 06 Intended effect happens, but within the entire 60-foot radius centered on you, regardless of its original range or area of effect. All possible subjects within the area are affected.
1-2 07 Next phrase spoken by you becomes true as if a Wish spell were used, but only lasts 10 minutes. You do not know this is coming until it happens!
1-2 08 Your hair grows 1 foot in length, in 1 round. Creatures with no hair normally, like Thri-Kreen, grow some hair. You must make a DEX check vs. DC 10, or be blinded and lose your next action while getting the hair out of your eyes.
1-2 09 You pivot 180°, instantly. No effect other than surprise at suddenly looking the wrong way.
1-2 10 Your face is blackened by a small, harmless explosion (players, think exploding cigar from cartoons).
1-2 11 You become allergic to all your magical items for 1d6 × 10 minutes. Unless you remove all of them during this time, you must make a Fortitude save every round vs. DC 25 or lose your action due to sneezing and choking. Nothing but time can remove the allergy.
1-2 12 Your head, and everything on it, grows to 3 times its normal size for 1d3 × 10 minutes.
1-2 13 You are affected as if by Reduce (same caster level) for 1d3 × 10 minutes.
1-2 14 You fall madly in love with the target (if you were the target, you get very narcissistic). The love lasts until somebody else casts Remove Curse or the like on you. You will not get rid of it yourself, and will resist any attempt to do so, because you don't consider it a curse!
1-2 15 Intended effect happens, but you can't cancel it at will if that was part of the original effect.
1-2 16 You Polymorph into a random creature or object at the start of every round, for 1 round/caster level. Last form has a 50% chance to be permanent until Remove Curse is used; otherwise, it also lasts 1 round.
1-2 17 For 10 minutes, colorful bubbles (random colors, or DM's option) come out of your mouth instead of words. The words are released when the bubbles pop. Spells with verbal components can't be cast until this is over.
1-2 18 For 1 minute/caster level, you and everybody within 60 feet of you when the surge happens can't understand each other's speech, regardless of what languages you each try to speak.
1-2 19 Wall of Fire encircles you, at the same caster level. The "hot" side could face either in towards you, or out (50% chance for either).
1-2 20 Your feet and everything on them grow to 3 times normal size for 1d3 × 10 minutes. Your movement is half normal, and you have a -4 DEX penalty.
1-2 21 Intended effect happens, but you suffer the same effect as the target (no save allowed)! So if you cast a Fireball that scorches an enemy for 36 points of damage, you take 36 points of fire damage yourself!
1-2 22 You Levitate up 20 feet, and stay there for 1d4 × 10 minutes.
1-2 23 Cause Fear (same caster level) affects everything in a 60-foot radius around you, except for you.
1-2 24 You speak in a squeaky voice (players, think sucking on helium) for 1d6 days. No effect other than loss of dignity.
1-2 25 You gain X-Ray Vision as if from a Ring of X-Ray Vision, for 1d6 rounds.
1-2 26 You age 1d10 years, no save.
1-2 27 Silence, same caster level, centered on you.
1-2 28 10-foot square pit, 5 feet deep per caster level, appears immediately in front of you.
1-2 29 Reverse Gravity centered on you, lasting 1 round.
1-2 30 Colored streamers (random color or DM's option) pour forth from your fingertips for 1 round.
1-2 31 Intended effect happens, but affects you instead of the intended target. If the effect was supposed to affect you, it instead affects the nearest other possible subject (for instance, Change Self would affect the nearest creature).
1-2 32 You become Invisible as per the spell (same caster level).
1-2 33 Color Spray at same caster level, from your hands (wherever they are pointing).
1-2 34 A stream of 600 butterflies pours forth from your mouth, fluttering around for 2 rounds and blinding everybody within 25 feet of you (including you) unless they make Reflex saves vs. DC 14. You can't hold the butterflies in.
1-2 35 You leave monster-shaped footprints (random monster or DM's option) instead of your own, even while wearing footwear, until a Dispel Magic succeeds against the caster level of the intended effect.
1-2 36 3d10 gems worth 10 gp each (random types or DM's option) shoot forth from your fingertips. The gems are real, permanent, and nonmagical.
1-2 37 Music fills the air in a 100-foot radius around you for 10 minutes/caster level, loud enough to be heard by everything in the area. 10% chance that it is a permanent curse affecting you, giving your life a melodramatic soundtrack (musical stings accompany any significant action you take) which can only be gotten rid of with Remove Curse.
1-2 38 Create Food and Water at same caster level.
1-2 39 All nonmagical fires within 60 feet of you are extinguished.
1-2 40 One magical item within 30 feet of you (randomly determined, and cannot include major artifacts) is permanently drained of all magical power. Psionic items are not affected unless they also happen to be magical.
1-2 41 One formerly mundane item (randomly chosen, you know which one it is) becomes permanently magical somehow (DM's option). You do not know what magic the item gets (just as if you found it in a treasure pile).
1-2 42 All magical weapons within 30 feet of you get a +2 enhancement bonus (which stacks with all other bonuses) for 10 minutes.
1-2 43 For 10 minutes, smoke pours from the ears of all creatures which were within 60 feet of you when the surge happened, except for you.
1-2 44 Dancing Lights at same caster level, under your control.
1-2 45 For 10 minutes, all creatures within 60 feet of you when the surge happened (including you) hiccup uncontrollably. Affected creatures get -1 to attacks, and must make Concentration checks vs. DC 15 to cast spells with verbal components.
1-2 46 All doors (whether normal, secret, magical, or whatever) within 60 feet of you immediately open as if Knock was cast on them.
1-2 47 You and the target exchange places.
1-2 48 Intended effect happens, but affects a random target within 60 feet of you.
1-2 49 Nothing happens, but magical items do not lose the charge spent to cause the effect, and spellcasters do not lose spell slots.
1-2 50 Summon Monster II at same caster level.
1-2 51 Sudden change in weather (heat wave, snow, hurricane, etc.- determine type randomly) of the area, lasting 1d6 × 10 minutes. If you are underground, where there is no weather- well, there is now.
1-2 52 Deafening bang (players, think sonic boom) affects all creatures within 60 feet of you. All affected creatures must make a Fortitude save vs. DC 14 + the caster level, or be stunned for 1d3 rounds.
1-2 53 You and the target exchange voices until Remove Curse is cast on either of you. If the target was a monster or object that doesn't speak, it now articulates its thoughts (whatever they may be) in your voice, and you are mute.
1-2 54 A Gate to a random Outer Plane opens, and stays open for 1 minute/caster level.
1-2 55 Intended effect happens, but shrieks like a Shrieker for as long as it lasts (really unfortunate if it was a permanent thing).
1-2 56 Intended effect happens, but at only 50% effectiveness (range, duration, damage, etc.)
1-2 57 The reverse of the intended effect happens (at the same caster level) if possible, otherwise nothing happens.
1-2 58 The Magic Elemental. Intended effect takes shape as a huge, glowing form shaped vaguely like you, but much larger (2 size categories if possible, otherwise double size per category missed), which remains for 10 minutes/caster level, or the intended effect's duration, whichever is longer. The Magic Elemental cannot in any way be controlled by you. Its stats are ([size] Elemental; HD your level + caster level of effect; Init your bonus +1; Spd double yours; AC 14 + 1d6; Atk same bonuses as you (touch only, delivers intended effect on attack target); SQ Spell Resistance 50, Immune to energy attacks, Damage Reduction 15/+1; AL CN; SV Fort +1/2 HD, Ref +1/4 HD, Will +1/HD; STR (yours + 8), DEX (yours - 2), CON (yours + 4), INT (yours), WIS (yours), CHA (yours)). The CR of this monster varies, but advice doesn't- Run Away as fast as you can!
1-2 59 All weapons within 60 feet glow (as if by a Light spell) for 1d4 minutes.
1-2 60 Intended effect happens, but any applicable saving throw is not allowed (or in other words, is no longer applicable).
1-2 61 Intended effect happens, but is delayed 1d4 rounds- nothing happens until it "goes off."
1-2 62 All magical items within 60 feet of you when the surge happens glow (as if by a Light spell) for 2d8 days.
1-2 63 You and the target switch personalities for 2d10 rounds. If the target has no personality, your body falls comatose, and it can move and speak in your voice, for the duration of this effect.
1-2 64 Slow on target, at same caster level.
1-2 65 Target is deluded into believing something of your choice, for a duration equal to that of the intended effect (or 1 round for instantaneous effects). It may make a Will save vs. DC equal to the intended effect's, to avoid the delusion, but otherwise believes it until Limited Wish, Miracle, or Wish is used to get rid of it. Each time you mention the delusion in the target's presence, however, it gets a new save to shake it off.
1-2 66 Lightning Bolt at same caster level, towards the target.
1-2 67 Enlarge on the target, at same caster level.
1-2 68 Darkness at same caster level, centered on the target.
1-2 69 Plant Growth (DM chooses which type) at same caster level, centered on the target.
1-2 70 1000 pounds of material within 10 feet of the target Vanishes as per that spell.
1-2 71 Fireball of same caster level, centered on the target.
1-2 72 Target turns to stone, if applicable.
1-2 73 Intended effect happens, but no charges are used from the item, or spellcasters don't use up material components and the spell slot used to cast it.
1-2 74 Everyone within 10 feet of you is affected as if by Heal.
1-2 75 Target becomes dizzy (lose all DEX bonuses to AC and attack rolls, -4 to attack, spellcasting requires a Concentration check vs. DC 20 to succeed), if possible, for 2d4 rounds.
1-2 76 Wall of Fire at same caster level encircles target; 50% chance for "hot" side to be facing either in or out.
1-2 77 Target Levitates up for 20 feet, and stays there (even if it can levitate itself normally) for 1d3 × 10 minutes.
1-2 78 Target affected by Blindness at same caster level, if applicable.
1-2 79 Target is Charmed, as if by the appropriate spell, by you. Inanimate objects are affected, but the exact result of that is up to the DM (how does one tell when a door really likes you?).
1-2 80 Target must make a Will save vs. DC 20 + the caster level, or forget everything that happened to it in the last 1d4 × 10 minutes.
1-2 81 Target's feet enlarge to 3 times normal size, if applicable, for 1d3 × 10 minutes. Affected targets move at half normal speed, and have -4 to DEX.
1-2 82 A real, permanent Rust Monster appears immediately in front of target, and is voraciously hungry for nearby metal.
1-2 83 Target Polymorphs randomly, once per round, for 1 round/caster level. The last form has a 50% chance of being permanent (until a Remove Curse), otherwise it lasts 1 round.
1-2 84 Target falls madly in love with you if it's a creature. The love lasts until somebody other than you casts Remove Curse or some other spell to get rid of the condition on it; if you cast any such spell (even Wish or Miracle), it fails, and the target's feelings are hurt ("Don't you love me?").
1-2 85 Target changes gender, if possible. Inanimate objects and completely asexual creatures such as slimes are not affected. Hermaphrodites such as illithids have a 5% chance per point of CON of undergoing a sudden hormonal storm that leaves them feverish, weak (-4 STR), and pregnant.
1-2 86 Small, black raincloud forms over target, and follows it around wherever it goes, if it moves, even inside buildings or other structures (it ducks to enter doorways, hangs around outside windows until it seeps through, or finds some other way in). It starts raining immediately, and there is a 20% chance per round that the cloud produces a small, harmless lightning bolt. It lasts 10 times the duration the intended effect would have had, or 1 minute in the case of instantaneous effects such as Magic Missile. A successful Dispel Magic against the caster level ends the curiously loyal storm.
1-2 87 Stinking Cloud at same caster level, centered on target.
1-2 88 A heavy object (random, and preferably silly- if the TOON® game is available, the "Things Falling From the Sky" table is recommended) appears over the target and falls, doing 2d20 damage when it hits. If the target moves, the object stops falling (if it was), moves to follow the target (at the same speed), and then falls again, so no save is allowed to avoid the damage.
1-2 89 Target sneezes uncontrollably for 1d6 rounds, during which time all spellcasting, psionics, and supernatural ability uses are impossible.
1-2 90 Intended effect happens, but has a 60-foot radius effect centered on the target. All within the area are affected, if possible.
1-2 91 Target's clothes (if it's wearing any) itch, for 1d10 minutes, giving it a -2 DEX penalty. If it isn't wearing clothes, than its skin itches. Changing clothes does not relieve the effect, though removing them (if it was wearing any), and not putting others on, does.
1-2 92 Target's race randomly changes once per round, until a Dispel Magic succeeds against the caster level. Inanimate objects change to a different make or brand once per round instead.
1-2 93 Target turns ethereal (as if by Ethereal Jaunt) for 2d4 rounds.
1-2 94 Haste on target, at the same caster level.
1-2 95 All nonmagical cloth on target crumbles to dust immediately. Magical cloth gets a save vs. DC 20 + the caster level.
1-2 96 Target sprouts real, permanent leaves, which are normal except for what they're sticking out of. They do no damage, and may be removed without penalty. Animal targets may not want to remove them, however, because while they have leaves, animals can photosynthesize food (assuming normal water intake, and consumption of a source of minerals such as farm soil once/month, it never needs to eat normal food, and does not suffer the effects of starvation).
1-2 97 Target sprouts a new, utterly useless appendage (wing, arm, tentacle, tail, etc.) which remains until a Dispel Magic succeeds against the caster level.
1-2 98 Target changes color (randomly, or DM's option), as if by Slightly Improved Change Color.
1-2 99 Intended effect happens, but has a minimum duration of 10 minutes. For instance, a Fireball will keep burning in place, doing damage to everything within it.
1-2 00 Intended effect happens, but at triple effectiveness (triple range, triple damage, etc.)
3-4 01 You lose all your prepared spells, just as if they had been cast! If you are of a class that doesn't prepare spells, you instead lose all your remaining spell slots. After 1d6 rounds, the spells or slots return, as if they had never disappeared.
3-4 02 You are Deluded into thinking the spell functions (or anyway surges) as indicated by a second die roll, for 1 round.
3-4 03 Gust of Wind at twice the caster level, in whatever direction you are facing.
3-4 04 All magic items within 60 feet of you when the surge happens wiggle when touched, for 1d8 days. This has no significant effect on their function, though it makes using a ladder of Immovable Rods more nerve-wracking.
3-4 05 Heavy rain falls within a 300 foot radius of you, regardless of where you are, for 1 minute.
3-4 06 You summon an animal, as if by Summon Monster. Roll 1d4: 1, Rhinoceras; 2-3, Elephant; 4, a large Mouse (treat as a 1/2 HD Rat).
3-4 07 Lightning Bolt at caster level 6 (regardless of the intended effect's caster level).
3-4 08 Creeping Doom at caster level 1 (regardless of the intended effect's caster level).
3-4 09 All creatures hostile to you, within a 60 foot radius of you, are duplicated, as if by Simulacrum, along with all their possessions. The duplicates and all their treasure dissolve into colorful smoke when killed.
3-4 10 All creatures hostile to you, within a 60 foot radius of you, are affected by Heal.
3-4 11 2d4 ordinary animals within 1 mile grow into Dire animals of the same type; these newly Dire animals immediately move toward you, and track you for 1 day or until they encounter you.
3-4 12 A random creature within 60 feet of you, other than you, becomes ethereal as if by Ethereal Jaunt at the same caster level.
3-4 13 You are diminished to 1/12 normal size, as if by Reduce (other than the extreme shrinkage), for 1 round/caster level.
3-4 14 Flame Strike at same caster level, centered on the target.
3-4 15 Nobody (except you) can hear any sound you make, for 1d6 minutes. You can still hear normally, and can also cast spells with verbal components (nobody except you can hear them, but they are still spoken).
3-4 16 You burst into flames for 1d4 rounds. The flames don't harm you or your equipment in any way, but any creature within 10 feet of you takes 2d6 fire damage, and any creature that touches you (even with a weapon) takes 3d6.
3-4 17 One large gem (worth 5000 gp) shoots from your hand at the target, using your base attack bonus to hit (and unaffected by range increments). It travels out to 50 feet per caster level before falling to the ground. If it hits any creature, it shatters into worthless (but very sharp) shards, dealing 5d4 damage; otherwise it can be found later with a Search check vs. DC 20 in the area it fell.
3-4 18 Shimmering colors dance and play over a 60 × 45 foot area in front of you, blinding creatures within it. The colors last 1d6 rounds.
3-4 19 If the target is a creature, it is affected by Iron Body at the caster level; otherwise, it becomes soft and pliable (like flesh) for 1 minute/caster level.
3-4 20 A Web at the same caster level shoots forth, with you as one of the anchor points.
3-4 21 You are shocked as if by Shocking Grasp at the caster level.
3-4 22 Thowchi's Random Gravity, at the same caster level, centered on the target.
3-4 23 Tasha's Hideous Laughter at the same caster level affects the target.
3-4 24 800 small rubber balls (players, think of superballs), each 1 inch in diameter, rain down in a 60-foot radius around you for 1d4 rounds. All creatures within the area of the bouncing balls must make Balance checks against DC 15 or trip and fall. After the balls stop falling, they remain in the area until swept or gathered up, forcing Balance checks against DC 10 to avoid falling.
3-4 25 You summon an animal, as if by Summon Monster. Roll 1d4: 1, Dove (noncombatant); 2-3, large Rabbit (also noncombatant); 4, large Iguana (treat as a 1 HD Lizard).
3-4 26 Chain Lightning at same caster level, centered on target.
3-4 27 Both you and the target are covered in liquid chocolate.
3-4 28 Target receives the benefits of a Time Stop.
3-4 29 Blinding light emanates from you for 1 round. All creatures looking in your direction during that round are blinded for 1d6 rounds (no save).
3-4 30 Suds (25% chance for soap, otherwise beer) bubble from the ground (3 cubic feet per round) in a 100-foot radius around you, for 1d4 + 1 rounds.
3-4 31 Target appears to be Polymorphed, but it is actually an illusion as per Persistant Image at the same caster level.
3-4 32 You spin uncontrollably for 1d4 rounds, and are dizzy after the spinning ends for 1d4 rounds (you must make a Balance check vs. DC 15 in order to take any action, including movement).
3-4 33 You gain 1d8 hit points, up to your normal maximum.
3-4 34 Magic Missile at same caster level.
3-4 35 Target inflates like a balloon for 1d4 rounds up to twice its normal size, and then deflates over the next 1d4 rounds back to normal. Its other stats and abilities, including weight, are unaffected.
3-4 36 Your arm Polymorphs into a snake, and stretches out and bites the target for 2d6 damage (maximum range 60 feet, attack bonus +6). After the attack, it returns to its normal form.
3-4 37 You breathe out a gout of flames, as if you drank a Potion of Fire Breath.
3-4 38 Target affected by Disintegrate at the same caster level.
3-4 39 Scare at same caster level, centered on target. Target also must save against the spell.
3-4 40 You develop an extremely irritating rash which lasts 1d4 rounds, during which your DEX is reduced to 3.
3-4 41 For 2d8 × 2 rounds, the target is affected by Darkness on alternate rounds (one round it is in a 20-foot radius sphere of darkness, the next it isn't, etc.). A Listen check vs. DC 15 within 40 feet of the target reveals a mysterious clicking sound accompanying each change (light to dark, or dark to light).
3-4 42 Target must make a Reflex save vs. DC 10 + the caster level, or drop all of its held equipment.
3-4 43 A randomly chosen possession of yours begins to gripe loudly and sarcastically about your treatment of it ("He never uses me, look how much he prefers the Wand of Fireball. Oh sure, like it's the ultimate attack..."). This griping lasts until you permanently give up the item (and if you ever take it back, the item starts griping again), or use a Wish or Miracle to remove its voice.
3-4 44 You summon an animal, as if by Summon Monster. Roll 1d4: 1, Buzzard (noncombatant, but happy to eat any dead creatures in the area); 2, giraffe (also noncombatant); 3-4, large kitten (treat as a normal Cat).
3-4 45 Delayed Blast Fireball at the same caster level, centered on the original target spot, set to go off in 1d10 + 5 rounds.
3-4 46 Target spins uncontrollably for 1d4 rounds. At the end of that time, if it is a creature, it is dizzy for another 1d4 rounds, and must make a Balance check vs. DC 15 or lose its action (including movement).
3-4 47 Target Confused at same caster level.
3-4 48 Target affected by Mirror Image at same caster level.
3-4 49 Target foregoes all actions other than movement for 2d4 rounds, reciting bad poetry instead. If attacked, it defends itself, but otherwise does not participate in combat.
3-4 50 A Small Air Elemental appears in front of the target, and attacks it if it is a creature, otherwise attacking the closest creature each round. The elemental stays for 1 round/caster level, and then disappears.
3-4 51 You Jump in a random direction, with +60 on the check.
3-4 52 Forcecage at same caster level, centered on you.
3-4 53 Bull's Strength at same caster level, on you.
3-4 54 If target is holding an object, it Polymorphs permanently into a teddy bear, leg of mutton, ladle, or a herring (roll 1d4). Otherwise, reroll this wild surge.
3-4 55 Your hands spew colorless slime in a 30-foot cone, affecting the area as a Grease spell at the same caster level.
3-4 56 Target covered in Faerie Fire of a random color, at the same caster level.
3-4 57 Forcecage at same caster level, centered on target.
3-4 58 Target affected as if by random color of a Prismatic Spray at the same caster level (though none springs forth from you).
3-4 59 You are affected as if by a Potion of Stammering (cursed version of a Potion of Glibness, which causes effective loss of 4 CHA points on all checks based on it, and -20 on Bluff checks). The effect lasts 1 hour.
3-4 60 Target affected as if by a Ray of Enfeeblement at the caster level, though none springs forth from you.
3-4 61 A pillow (25%), small wooden table (50%), or anvil (25%) appears above the target's head, and falls. The target gets a DC 25 Reflex save to avoid the object, otherwise it is struck. The pillow does nothing but annoy; the table causes 1d6 damage; and the anvil deals 3d10 damage, and the target must make a Fortitude save against DC 20 or fall unconscious for 2d6 × 10 minutes.
3-4 62 An object appears in front of you (roll 1d4): 1, an ugly painting; 2, a bellows; 3-4, a storm giant's boot (the erstwhile owner won't be looking for it). No item is a masterwork item, nor is it worth anything except as a curiousity.
3-4 63 Ram of force, as if from a Ring of the Ram, strikes the target.
3-4 64 2d4 cream puffs fly forth from your hands towards the target. They are ordinary, yummy cream puffs.
3-4 65 Target affected by Improved Invisibility at the caster level.
3-4 66 Target affected as if by Hypnotism at the caster level, focusing on you.
3-4 67 Target's nose grows to 10 times normal size for 2d4 rounds. No effect other than loss of dignity and a nasal voice.
3-4 68 Gaseous Form at same caster level affects target.
3-4 69 You Levitate uncontrollably, always going up at 20 feet per minute, for 10 minutes/caster level.
3-4 70 Evard's Black Tentacles at the caster level, centered on the target.
3-4 71 Stoneskin at the caster level, on you.
3-4 72 You summon a Pixie, as if by Summon Monster at the caster level.
3-4 73 A randomly chosen, small, hand-held item on the target's person (or within 10 feet of the target otherwise) animates, sprouts wings, and attacks enemies for 2d4 rounds before turning back to normal and falling inert. Treat the object as a Small Animated Object, but with a +6 melee bonus instead of +1.
3-4 74 You jerk uncontrollably for 2d2 rounds, and cannot take any actions. After the spasm ends, a Hypnotic Pattern at the caster level appears, lasting for 1 round/caster level, and affecting all who gaze on it, friend or foe.
3-4 75 Cone of Cold at twice the caster level, and twice the maximum damage potential.
3-4 76 All magical weapons within 30 feet of you as the surge happens lose all their magical powers for 2 rounds.
3-4 77 A brief, menacing or impressive musical phrase fills the air around you (the first four notes of Beethoven's Fifth would do nicely, for example). All creatures within hearing range of the caster must make a Will save against DC 15 + the caster level, or suffer a -4 morale penalty to all attack rolls, saves, damage rolls, and skill checks, for 1d8 rounds.
3-4 78 All moving creatures within 60 feet of you must make a Reflex save vs. DC 15 or trip and fall, losing their actions that round.
3-4 79 All glass or crystal within 30 feet of you shatters. Magical or psionic items, or containers for magical or psionic items such as potions, get a Fortitude save vs. DC 15 to avoid the effect. Despite being crystalline, Silmarillium items are completely unaffected.
3-4 80 Nothing happens now, but your next spell is cast 1d4 levels higher (add this number to the level variant, if applicable).
3-4 81 Target begins to melt (players, think climax of Raiders of the Lost Ark), taking 1d10 damage per round, for 1d6 rounds. If this is not fatal to the target, it permanently loses 1 point of CHA for each round it "melted."
3-4 82 Intended effect happens, but the range and area of effect are doubled. If the area of effect was you alone, or a single subject, it instead affects every possible subject within 20 feet of the subject.
3-4 83 Intended effect happens, but affects everything within 10 feet of the target, regardless of its normal area of effect.
3-4 84 If the target is not a creature, reroll this surge. Otherwise, the target bubbles for one round, very painfully (players, think of the Gremlins from the movie), and loses its next action. The following round, 1d6 wet blobs burst from it, and grow into identical copies of the target in one round, though they have no equipment (not even clothing), and are mindless (attacking everything in sight, even each other). They die after 20 minutes, if they survive the fighting.
3-4 85 Target affected by Hold Monster at same caster level.
3-4 86 A real, permanent, and ordinary watermelon appears in your hands.
3-4 87 A random being within sight range of you (but not necessarily within your line of sight) permanently gains one hit die or experience level (set its XP at the minimum necessary to reach that level). Characters gaining a level may choose to gain that level in any class, as normal.
3-4 88 A Deck of Many Things appears between you and the target. Both you and the target, if applicable, must draw 1d4 cards during the next round (this is not optional, and cannot be avoided).
3-4 89 All creatures in a 60-foot radius around you, which are hostile to you, must make Will saves against DC 10 + the caster level, or become paralyzed for 1d8 rounds.
3-4 90 Intended effect happens, but the area of effect is doubled, and you may choose to retarget it before it goes off. If the area of effect was a single subject, even if you are the only legal subject, you may choose another subject to affect as well.
3-4 91 1d6 chickens appear at your feet and run away squawking, at top speed (20 feet per round).
3-4 92 You can automatically Identify one item within the next 24 hours. There is no casting time, and you do not need to prepare the spell or use a spell slot for it.
3-4 93 All weapons within 60 feet of you sing a shrill note for 1 round.
3-4 94 Intended effect happens, but all saves against it have a +2 bonus which stacks with all other bonuses.
3-4 95 Intended effect happens, but doesn't actually "go off" until you cast another spell. Before then, it appears to have failed.
3-4 96 You suffer unsightly facial boils, which last 1d10 days unless removed with Cure Disease or a similar spell. During this time, you lose 3 points of CHA.
3-4 97 A random extraplanar monster (as if from a Summon Monster VI at the caster level) appears, but is not under anybody's control. Its reaction to the situation will depend on its alignment and type.
3-4 98 Nothing happens now, but your next spell is affected as if by any one Metamagic feat you have, without taking up a higher level spell slot or longer casting time. If you have no Metamagic feats, reroll this surge result.
3-4 99 Target appears to fall dead instantly, but is actually in a state of suspended animation. It awakens 1d6 hours later, non the worse for wear, unless somebody delivers a coup de grace on it while it is suspended.
3-4 00 Target becomes a two-dimensional, colored-in line drawing (yes players, a cartoon) version of itself. While in this state, the target is completely unable to cause physical harm, though it is also impossible to harm physically. After 1d10 minutes, it returns to normal.
5-6 01 You permanently lose knowledge of one random spell (you may relearn it at next level, or if you find it in another spellbook). If you do not know any spells, or know only one spell, reroll this surge result.
5-6 02 Your tongue grows long enough to touch the tip of your nose. If your tongue was already that long, another body part lengthens by 1d4 × 10%. The change is permanent until a Remove Curse or similar spell is used to get rid of it.
5-6 03 An enormous cyclone appears, picks up you and your friends (50%), or the target and its friends (50%), and carries them to Kansas (or whatever boring, wheat-filled plain suits the DM's world and fancy). The trip lasts 1d4 × 10 minutes and is one-way, but is otherwise harmless.
5-6 04 You and the target must both reroll your highest stat. This change is permanent, unless a Wish or Miracle is used to reverse it (and in that case, the change is reversed for both of you). If the target is not a creature, reroll this surge result.
5-6 05 You and the target must both reroll your hit points. This change is permanent, unless a Wish or Miracle is used to reverse it (and in that case, the change is reversed for both of you). If the target is not a creature, reroll this surge result.
5-6 06 Green, acidic slime rains over the target for 1d4 rounds, dealing 3d10 acid damage per round to all within 10 feet of the target (including the target).
5-6 07 Major Image of a Fireball, centered on you.
5-6 08 Nothing happens now, and your next spell is cast at caster level 0. If any level-dependent variable is brought to 0 by this, the spell fails. You do not know about this until it happens.
5-6 09 You burst into flames, taking 2d6 fire damage. Your items must make a Fortitude save vs. DC 10 or be destroyed by the fire.
5-6 10 You suffer horrible, wracking pains for 2d6 rounds, and can do nothing but writhe on the ground and scream or moan until the pains pass.
5-6 11 Your next wild surge effect becomes available to you as a spell which you can prepare or use once, after which you lose all knowledge of it. If you already have a surge "memorized" this way, you lose that surge when you gain the new one. You cannot write the "surge spell" on a scroll or in your spellbook.
5-6 12 All of your weapons animate, and flee from you in all directions at 20 feet per round, for 1 round/caster level.
5-6 13 You gain the Blindsight ability (see page 73 of the Dungeon Master's Guide, or page 9 of the Monster Manual) for 1 day. While you have the ability, you are blind, and cannot regain your sight by any means until the Blindsight is gone.
5-6 14 The next living creature you touch permanently gains 1d6 hit points, and you permanently lose the same amount. You cannot go below 10 hit points as a result of this, however.
5-6 15 You must make a Fortitude save vs. DC 15 or your lungs fill with water. If they do, you can take no actions for 1d4 rounds as you cough and splutter.
5-6 16 You are affected by Feeblemind, at the same caster level.
5-6 17 You are encased in a cube of jello (50% chance for either lime or cherry flavor) 10 feet on a side. You and any creatures encased with you must make DEX checks each round vs. DC 15 to escape the cube, or begin suffocation in 3 rounds. the block of jello is real and permanent.
5-6 18 Your skin becomes steel, giving you a +10 natural armor bonus, for 1d6 minutes.
5-6 19 All creatures slain by you during the next 24 hours rise up as random free-willed undead, and attempt to destroy you. If any of them succeed, all undead created by this surge immediately turn to ash.
5-6 20 You and the target must both reroll your CON scores. This change is permanent until reversed with a Wish or Miracle spell, and if it is reversed, it is reversed for both of you. If the target is not a creature, reroll this surge result.
5-6 21 You are affected by Confusion at the same caster level.
5-6 22 All gold in your possession turns to platinum, permanently.
5-6 23 The ground in a 5-foot wide strip between you and the target becomes molten lava for 1d10 minutes. Creatures touching the strip take 2d6 fire damage per round (see page 89 of the Dungeon Master's Guide). Creatures are allowed a Reflex save (DC 15) as the strip appears, to get off of it.
5-6 24 Ice Storm at same caster level, with the hail appearing in all the colors of the rainbow, centered on you.
5-6 25 Earthquake at same caster level, centered on you.
5-6 26 The ground opens up and swallows you to the neck. It takes 2 full-round actions to free you if you have help; otherwise it takes you a full minute to get out. You are not harmed by being so encased, though enemies who can get to you while you're in the ground might take the opportunity to do nasty things to you.
5-6 27 The area in a 30-foot radius around you is affected by a Sleep spell at the same caster level.
5-6 28 Your eyes continually change color continuously for 1 day, acting as a Hypnotic Pattern at the same caster level, to all those within 10 feet who can see your face.
5-6 29 All gold in your possession turns to water permanently.
5-6 30 Your feet turn into two left feet, or two right feet, for 1 day (if you have more than two feet, all feet become "sided" one direction or the other, in a similar manner). Your movement rate is cut in half during this time.
5-6 31 If the target can cast spells, it casts all of them in one round, targeted randomly.
5-6 32 You permanently learn one spell, determined randomly. This spell does not count against any maximums for your class and level. Roll a second surge result, which happens in addition to this one.
5-6 33 You are chained to the ground for 2d6 rounds. The chains can hold 3000 pounds.
5-6 34 Nothing happens now, and your next spell is cast 1d4 caster levels lower than it otherwise would be (include the effect from any level variation roll).
5-6 35 A random body part of yours (hand, ear, toes, etc.) becomes permanently invisible. Dispel Magic or similar magic can reverse the change.
5-6 36 All slain creatures within 60 feet of you are affected by Raise Dead at the same caster level. Roll a second surge result, which happens in addition to this one.
5-6 37 Invisibility Sphere at the same caster level, centered around you.
5-6 38 Target sprouts a pair of wings, if it didn't have any, and gains Fly 60 (poor) speed. If the target is an object, the wings are merely useless appendages, unless it is animated later.
5-6 39 Grease at the same caster level, centered on the ground under the target.
5-6 40 The spell you tried is wasted with no effect, and another random spell you have prepared is triggered and cast in its place.
5-6 41 1d100 gold coins rain down within a 30-foot radius of you for 1 round; creatures within must make Reflex saves vs. DC 10 or take 1d6 damage. The coins are real and permanent.
5-6 42 All water within 60 feet of you turns to wine permanently.
5-6 43 A free-willed Simulacrum of you appears 5 feet in front of you. It has 65% of your abilities, and is 50% your level.
5-6 44 All creatures within 120 yards of you, whether you can see them or not, are Teleported Without Error to random destinations within 120 yards of you.
5-6 45 If you do not have a familiar, you immediately gain one, which arrives in 1d4 hours. If you do have a familiar, reroll this surge result.
5-6 46 One random object within 30 feet of you receives a Continual Flame spell at the same caster level.
5-6 47 A geyser erupts at a point midway between you and the target, and continues erupting for 1d10 rounds. Any creature within 10 feet of it takes 2d6 heat damage from the boiling water.
5-6 48 Darkness in a 30-foot radius, with a permanent duration. You can retarget the spell, if you choose.
5-6 49 A 60-yard radius hemisphere centered between you and the target fills with dense fog, cutting visibility to 5 feet within it. The fog disperses after 2d4 × 10 minutes.
5-6 50 An enormous glittering ball appears in midair above the caster, and strange words and music are heard (players, it's "Staying Alive") loudly. The caster and target are each compelled to dance, as if by Otto's Irresistable Dance, for 2 minutes.
5-6 51 Roll for another surge result, but the effect is just a powerful illusion (-4 penalty to the saving throw).
5-6 52 Insect Plague, same caster level, centered on the target.
5-6 53 Your eyes become slitted like a cat's (assuming, of course, that they aren't already). If you did not have Darkvision, or had Darkvision less than 120 feet, you get 120-foot Darkvision. This lasts for 1 day/caster level, and can be removed by Cure Disease or similar magic.
5-6 54 You grow fangs like a vampire. You gain the ability to bite for 1d3 damage, but lose 1 point of CHA. The fangs last for 1 day/caster level, and can be removed by Cure Disease or similar magic.
5-6 55 You are battered by unseen forces, for 1d4 damage per level of the spell or effect attempted. A Fortitude save vs. DC 20 allows half damage.
5-6 56 You and all friendly creatures within your sight range are Teleported Without Error to the next place you name, with no weight limit.
5-6 57 Insect Plague, at the same caster level, centered on you.
5-6 58 Your fingernails grow to 1 foot in length.
5-6 59 Nothing happens now, but the next time you say the word "Stun," "Blind," or "Kill," it behaves as the Power Word spell of the same name without requiring you to know the spell, use a spell slot, or have it prepared. You may choose the targets of the free Power Word when it happens.
5-6 60 Persistent Image of a Wall of Fire encircling you (50% chance for the "hot" side to be facing in or out).
5-6 61 You must make a Fortitude save vs. DC 15 or suffer Lycanthropy as if infected by a monster (the type is matched as closely to your current alignment as possible). If you are already a lycanthrope, this surge result removes it permanently.
5-6 62 Your teeth turn into Silmarillium for 2d4 weeks. During this time, you can chew through just about anything, and can bite for 1d3 damage.
5-6 63 All creatures within 120 feet of you immediately pivot to face due west.
5-6 64 You are affected by View Dimensions at the same caster level.
5-6 65 If a creature, the target relives its worst memories, and loses its actions for 1d4 rounds. For 1d10 minutes after that, it gets -2 penalties to all attacks, skill checks, and saving throws, as the fear, horror, and/or anger is still fresh in its mind. If the target is not a creature, reroll this surge result.
5-6 66 Target sealed in an extradimensional pocket (as if from a Rope Trick of equal caster level) for 2d4 rounds or the duration of the intended effect, whichever is longer.
5-6 67 Nothing happens now, and all spells cast by you during the next 24 hours will result in wild surges.
5-6 68 The target's body goes numb for 1d6 rounds (-6 to its DEX score), if it is a creature. Otherwise, reroll this surge result.
5-6 69 You gain a +1 bonus to all saves for the next 24 hours. This bonus stacks with all other bonuses.
5-6 70 The target's next attack is automatically a critical hit, if it is a creature. Otherwise, reroll this surge result.
5-6 71 You and the target must both reroll your lowest stats. This change is permanent until reversed with a Wish or Miracle spell; if it is reversed, it is reversed for both of you. If the target is not a creature, reroll this surge result.
5-6 72 Your clothes continually change color to match your surroundings for the next 10 minutes, giving you one-half concealment (all attacks miss you 20% of the time).
5-6 73 Target chained to the ground for 2d6 rounds. The chains can hold 3000 pounds.
5-6 74 You and the target must both reroll the stat of your choice. This change is permanent until reversed by a Wish or Miracle spell, and if it is reversed, it is reversed for both of you. If the target is not a creature, reroll this surge result.
5-6 75 You are Teleported Without Error to a random location out of sight of your former location (but no further than necessary), and a Simulacrum of you appears in your place. The Simulacrum is under your control.
5-6 76 All lead in your possession turns to gold permanently.
5-6 77 The target is battered by unseen forces, for 1d4 points of damage per level of the spell or effect attempted. A Fortitude save vs. DC 20 results in half damage.
5-6 78 The target's muscles spasm for 3d4 rounds. It loses 3 points of STR while this condition persists. The condition can be removed with Cure Disease or similar magic.
5-6 79 The target gains an aura which causes Fear at the same caster level in all creatures viewing it. The aura lasts 10 minutes.
5-6 80 Target bursts into flames, taking 2d6 fire damage. Any items carried by the target must make Fortitude saves vs. DC 15 or be destroyed by the fire.
5-6 81 Target's skin turns to steel, giving it a +10 natural armor bonus, for 1d6 rounds.
5-6 82 Target is swallowed by the ground, up to the neck. It takes 2 full-round actions to free it, or one minute for the target to free itself without help. During this time, it is not harmed, but may be killed with a coup de grace, or otherwise affected by things which are helped by having a prone target.
5-6 83 A stream of beer shoots forth from your fingertips for 1d3 rounds.
5-6 84 You gain 1000 XP. Roll a second surge result, which happens in addition to this one.
5-6 85 Summon Monster VI at same caster level, as if you cast it. Roll a second surge result, which happens in addition to this one.
5-6 86 If the target is not a creature, reroll this surge result. Otherwise, the target's hit points are permanently raised to the maximum possible for its hit dice, and you must roll a second surge result, which happens in addition to this one.
5-6 87 Your clothes are changed to a mysterious uniform (players, it's that of a Starfleet captain from Star Trek). Though neither you nor your friends can quite understand why, your CHA raises by +1 while you wear the uniform. The uniform is made of an unknown material, and cannot be duplicated.
5-6 88 Any one thing you lay your hands on in the next 1d3 rounds permanently turns to gold. Creatures you touch are allowed a Fortitude save (DC 15) to negate this power; otherwise, they become gold statues.
5-6 89 Your hit points are permanently raised to the maximum possible for your hit dice. Roll a second surge result, which happens in addition to this one.
5-6 90 Your next attack is automatically a critical hit.
5-6 91 The next living creature you touch permanently loses 1d6 hit points, and you permanently gain the same amount. The creature that lost hit points cannot go below 10 as a result of this.
5-6 92 All creatures hostile to you, within 60 feet of you, must make a Fortitude save vs. DC 15, or explode violently (resulting in instant death of course).
5-6 93 Target is protected by Spell Turning for the next 10 minutes.
5-6 94 All of your stats are raised to 18 for 1 hour.
5-6 95 Nothing happens now, but your next spell is cast at caster level 30, or 10 levels above you, whichever is higher.
5-6 96 The target's weapons, if it has any, animate and flee from it at 20 feet per round. They stay animated for 1 round/caster level.
5-6 97 The nearest dead body within 60 yards of you rises as a zombie under your control.
5-6 98 You are protected by Spell Turning for 10 minutes.
5-6 99 If it is an air breather, the target must make a Fortitude save vs. DC 15, or its lungs fill with water. If they do, it can take no actions for 1d4 rounds as it coughs and splutters. If the target is not an air-breathing creature, reroll this surge result.
5-6 00 You use the surge energy to cast any spell of your choice, from the 8th level or less of your class's spell list. Also, roll a second surge result, and it happens in addition to this one.