I enter through the archway to the Cathedral of Light. There is a full congregation today; the sounds of birds and small creatures stirring surround me. I Find an empty spot under a small bush and settle on the soft earth. The smell of soil and growth fill my breathing and remind me that the circle of life is ever turning. The light streams through the curtain of leaves overhead and the colors of autumn have just begun to show in a few places.

The ever-present sermon continues and fills the Temple with a powerful calm. The River voices strength, purity, steadfastness. It reminds us that to stay the true course is not a choice so much as an acceptance. That the way of truth and honor does not parade about and shout slogans but quietly and gently stays the course; feeding all, blessing all with the refreshing and nurturing water of knowledge. The River speaks of giving to all without prejudice or judgment. It talks of quenching the thirst of those who seek truth. It comforts those in pain and cleanses their wounds.

The birds chant their "AMEN's". The trees around me have stood on this spot for probably 100 years or more, no wonder they look so wise. I touch one - a collection of one actually. Three trunks rise together from the earth to praise ALL THAT IS. My reverence is apparent and the Wise One imparts it's inner truths to me:

"BE" it said to me.

"BE strong, send your roots deep into the nourishment of truth and love, for your foundation must stand against the trials of wind and thunder, fire and flood."

"BE accepting of what is. Accepting as in, do not whine or regret what you have been given but embrace it as a gift. Accept that each adversity is an opportunity to grow and learn and give."

"BE supportive of all things." And the tree showed me how moss and ferns and other growing things had attached themselves to it's trunks. It accepted all of this with the strength that comes from deep roots. There were birds in it's topmost branches and new growth beneath it's canopy of leaves. An entire community of life is being supported by this tree. How can we not similarly support all around us? Bathe others in our strength, our calm, our nourishment, our love so that we can support truth and peace and knowledge. Shelter all within our canopy of compassion.

The River continues it's sermon. It gently wears away at the obstacle in it's path; not with violence but with it's persistence. Give to all things equally. Do not judge others. BE what you are. Accept others as they are. Recognize that your path is guided by all those you encounter. Allow others to seek you out in need and give what you can to their aid. Do not cling to trapped pools of hate or anger as they will become poison to you.



I cry with tears of gratefulness. The Temple, once again has brought me peace and truth. My bond to ALL THAT IS is renewed. I am fed by the ageless wisdom. The Temple stands open and inviting for all who seek; but the seeker must come with reverence and love and with an open heart. The sermon never ends. There are Temples in all the corners of the earth if you seek them out, you will find them.

Go in Peace and BE.

INSIGHTS: Discovering the Temple

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