"Let There Be Peace on Earth and Let It Begin with Me"

Peace is more than absence of turmoil. It is a state of mind - a state of being. We, as humans, have always tried to strive for peace in our world and in our lives. Even in a world filled with war, stress, and chaos we can each find the peace that lives within ourselves. Within this center of peace you can think clearer, act more effectively, and stay balanced in your life. Studies have shown that stress is very hard on the physical body and mental health, so being able to find a center of peace in your life has real benefits.

In the world we live in we are constantly bombarded with input. We have information coming at us from dozens of directions telling us what we should buy, how we should feel, what we should think, the 'truth' that we must believe, how to dress, what to eat, what to drive, how to talk, behave, and everything else you can think of. And of course we all get conflicting information. From the moment of birth we begin our programming; learning what to eat and how to speak. This is life. However, when you become quiet and shut out the bombardment that buries you, you have the opportunity to use your mind and your instincts to sort out all the input and make conscious choices. This center of peace is often thought to be closer to God (whatever God is to you).

Many cultures throughout the ages have developed tools to bring them to a center part of peace within. Some of the various ways that people have attempted to achieve this state is through prayer, music, dance, and other practices. Let me share with you some of these methods. You might find one or more beneficial in your life.

Peace is often associated with religion and God. Most religions I have studied have encouraged the pursuit of peace in each life. Many ways have been suggested to bring this into our lives. Prayer is a very common method. Prayer can be very structured or a simple conversation with God. In some religions there are prayers that are tone patterns that are repeated a number of times, often with an accompanied physical motion. The patterns themselves help to center and calm a person. For many, prayer is a safe way to express their most inner fears, dreams, sorrows, desires and devotion. Here are some places to explore what prayer can bring to your life.

World Prayers - Gathering the great prayers from all spiritual traditions around the world into a unified nonprofit archive; for the purpose of inspiration, study and cross cultural appreciation.

Beliefnet -This site is committed to helping people meet their religious and spiritual needs by providing information, inspiration, community, stimulation, and products.

Meditation is another method passed down through the ages to achieve inner peace. Like Prayer, meditation is often associated with religions but in it's basic form it really needs no spiritual connection. Studies have shown that meditation can have many physical benefits to the human body. There are many methods that can be used to achieve the state needed for these benefits. The Eastern tradition of meditation is the one that is most widely recognized. This method often uses a 'Mantra' or word/sound to aid in obtaining the stage required. But that is not the only way in which to get to the inner center of quiet that brings about the benefits of meditation. I know some that focus on a candle flame, other that simply pay complete and total attention to the movement of their breath, for others the use of 'Mandalas' will bring them to their center of peace. Each person has their own style that works for them. I have offered a number of suggestions to those who were searching and we have usually found the method that seemed to work for them.

Here are some links that offer more information on various forms of meditation:

Transcendental Meditation - The description on their web site states: "The Transcendental MeditationŽ (TMŽ) program of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is the single most effective technique available for gaining deep relaxation, eliminating stress, promoting health, increasing creativity and intelligence, and attaining inner happiness and fulfillment."

World Wide Online Meditation Center - The World Wide Online Meditation Center is a user-friendly site, created to provide clear, straight-forward meditation instruction to people anywhere on the planet.

Mandalas have been used for centuries to center and calm the spirit. The circular pattern of the mandala can be seen throughout nature if you only pay attention. Komra Atiri Cheyean Moriko has created these beautiful mandalas from slices of nature. You can see more of these on her site and even learn how to make your own.
For those that would like to try their hands at coloring their own mandalas I have recently found a beautiful little coloring book titled "Mandala Coloring Book" by Maureen Frank. She also conducts Fun-shops for those wishing more. I encourage you to visit her site and look at many of the mandalas she's created : Maiah Creations.

For myself I find that music will center me most quickly and effectively. I do not have a trained voice and certainly will not claim that I'm a great singer but that's not the object. The object is to transport my consciousness to the center of peace within myself. There are certain songs, or even full albums that I find have the tones and tenor needed to 'fill me'. Those are the only words that seem to fit the description. When I sing it's like the music fills me and lifts me; carrying me a level or two higher than I was before. Physically, my throat and chest warm and my lungs feel clearer. I end with a sense of great calm and joy. Once I achieve this state it's much easier for me to sit quietly and go into a meditative state.

I know others that find reading a book they consider Holy.. The Bible, the Koran, or other such books, brings them great peace and comfort. I knew one man that could gain this state only when he got on his Harley and rode aimlessly for hours. And another young woman that could only find her center with colors through drawing and now uses the colors of yarn in needlework to achieve the same state. Each person has their own triggers and only through a bit of searching can we find what works for us.

Why is finding this place of peace within important? "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me." These simple words are full of wise thoughts. The humanity of Earth is only the community of single individuals living together on this planet. The more people who find and know peace within themselves, the more they will be able to extend that peaceful feeling to those around them. Those who live in peace are less likely to create discord around them.. the peace they have within extends outward in their lives. There is only one person in the entire world that you can change.. and that is yourself.

There is so much to share on this subject that I don't feel I can cover this topic on a web page. If you have your own personal experiences or questions, I encourage you to go to the Community Forum and start a discussion on a topic of interest for you.


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