are so many talented people in this world and I am so blessed to
call many of them friends. So often their talents are known to only
a small circle of friends and acquaintances and I would love to
share their talents with others. My own artistic attempts have been
embarrassing to say the least so I truly appreciate the talents
of those wonderful people who can create images that touch others.
are links to pages with works of friends, most of whom I've met
through the gaming communities on line. When I was able, I tried
to give you links to sites where you could find out more about
them and perhaps see more works of theirs. Enjoy.
Shawn McNamara
: Shawn is the original creator of my Kyia
Icon. He not only has the imagination to create such beauty
but enjoys writing short stories too. A charming man who can always
bring a smile to my face.
Morgaine : Her art speaks for
itself. She is the lady who took the creation of Shawn and enlarged
it. The beauty of that picture is only a sample of the quality
she's capable of and her work just keep getting better and better..
Courtney : This talented young
lady is full of surprises. Not only does she have a wonderful
talent for taking the words of adventures and giving them form,
but she also writes short stories and poetry.
Eric Scholander : One of
the best things about the Internet is it brings the global community
closer together. Eric is in Sweden and is working on developing
his artistic talents through some of the wonderful graphics programs
Matt : This dear person is
so talented. He and I worked together on a game for a while and
his talents are in so many areas. Obviously much of his talent
is artist but he's also just a very nice person, and a good friend.
Korish : Anime art is so popular
these days and so many young people I know try their hand at it.
This young man is exploring and learning and I think his talent
is growing.
Gloria Grace : This young
woman is not only a genuine artist, but she makes a mighty good
latte too. I wish I could have gotten more detail in the pages
of her work but I think you will enjoy them anyway. She has allowed
me to include her e-mail address in case you'd like to contact
her directly.
Jon Fisher : I wish I could
show you more of this man's art but I've lost track of him and
the pieces I have are too large for me to scan in. Enjoy the
couple of
pieces small enough for me to get copies of.
Paula Dockter : This nice lady
was someone I worked with. Her talents went way beyond her skills
with billing and collections! For many years she had made and
sold her stained glass creations. This page shows off a variety
of these. She also has an amazing bit of land and is an avid hiker.
Her photography is sprinkled around my site.

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