Kyia's Icon


The character Kyia has evolved over many years of role playing.   She started out as a cleric and was very good.  A true Tree-Hugger and Healer;  healing even the enemy if given half a chance.   When I began to play role-playing games on line, I brought her character to the internet.   One of the games that I played on line allowed character icons to be custom made and a friend of mine,  Shawn McNamara,  offered to make Kyia her own icon.   What a wonderful gift!!    He spent weeks working on it and I was very picky, I'm afraid.   Finally, after looking at another group of icons that I didn't feel reflected the image I wanted, I said to him, "You know 'Kyia'.   She's everything good.   She glows with compassion and caring for everything.   She's like a bit of heaven fallen to earth.   And when she heals with her magic touch, you see an aura of blue healing light surround her."    A week later he came back with this icon.   It was perfect!    He captured, in my opinion, what I feel is Kyia.   Humble, caring, soft, and compassionate.


However, the icon was made to the specifications of that game and so had to be rather small.   When I began to play the game Panumbra,  they didn't have character icons but I did want to have my Kyia icon on the posts I made on the message board.   The picture was so small however seemed a shame.   Shawn had gotten awfully busy and didn't have time to totally redo the icon but when I was telling another friend of mine,  Morgaine,  about this, she offered to redo the icon in a larger form.   My only instructions to her were to try to keep as much of the original as she could.   A few days later she sent me this.    Even my dreams were not so beautiful!   I am so blessed to have such wonderful and talented friends.


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