Here I Stand

by Collin Thompson


Here I stand waiting, watching
                         Upon the threshold of life
                         I stand, looking into the distance
                         There are no boundaries out here
                         No earth, no sky
                         There is but emptiness
                          It is into this emptiness I peer
                         This space which holds being in thrall
                         This space, which is no space
                         Which is space eternal
                         I stand, I wait, I watch

            Here I stand waiting, listening
                         I stand, but no, not really
                         More so, I float, in the vast gulf
                         Between thought and creation
                         I float and wait and listen
                         I listen for a sign of sorts, a beacon

            There, that must be it
                         Almost imperceptable, light and airy
                         A hint of sound, more so a thought
                         Once realized long ago, left for eternity
                         A memory of a memory

            I stand suspended in nothingness
                         With only memory for company
                         That and my own tormented thoughts
                         We were meant for each other
                         From the beginnig we have understood
                         Them and me, for eternity

          A pinprick in the emptiness calls to me
                         I turn towards it questioning
                         And pain surrounds me, buffets me
                         It bathes me and I drown in sensation
                         It will allow none other to be
                         Containing nothing but jealosy and malice

          It lasts no more than a fraction of a second
                         But it feels to last a millennium
                         And I, a pawn to its torment
                         As fast as it captured me it is gone
                         Leaving more than memory
                         Less than thought

           Just then I am captured again in sensation
                         As powerfull and as deadly, with as little compassion
                         Pure ecstacy holds me in thrall
                         Overwhelming in its presence, shattering thought
                         I bask in the thoughtless shards of being
                         Pure, uncorrupted, ecstacy which is pain

           So here I stand, I listen, I wait, I float
                         For I must, I have no chioce, you see
                         I am a prisoner  in emptiness
                         In pain....
                         In ecstasy....
                         In life.



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