Walk With Me

by Linda Thacker


Walk with me, my beloved
with the warmth of the sun and soft breezes holding us gently
The world unfolding before all in it’s glory
Each small part one of the whole
Each sound, each feel, each touch one of wonder..
          one of endless sharing ..
                    one of fulfilling love
Know with me, my beloved
the beauty of life and joined discoveries

All surrounds us awaiting it’s discovery
and in it’s finding gives all in return
The oneness of us fills me and nourishes me
Smiling, I wonder how could I have lived before knowing
Smiling, I know

Play with me, my child
discovering the newness and freshness around every bend
Finding the joy in all the simple things
The things that are so easily missed..
          the small happenings..
                    the ones that rush past
Grow with me, my child
filling me with the joy and energy of life

My heart and being are overflowing
Excitement at the possibilities
The beauty of all the things we have yet to find.
Wondering, I notice the color of the wind through the old oak
Wondering, I accept

Dance with me, my friend
celebrating life and love and learning, spirits soaring throughout
Accepting all the stages as we go
The parts that are joy..
          the parts that are so hard..
                    the parts that hurt
Sing with me, my friend
the songs bursting in our hearts and souls

There are times that I cannot contain all that is within
and it overflows through my eyes
Do not be alarmed, my friend.
To be so full of all the things there are is a blessing I cherish.
I find myself surrounded by such beauty and wonder
and it can be impossible to hold.

And  times I find myself in shadows unable to adore
Those are the sad times ..
the times blocked off from all things
Those are the times I need you most but also the times I don’t know how to ask
For in the darkness I lose touch, I lose sight, I lose light
and it can be so hard to see.

We are all one..  we are all connected..
Pain is mine, Joy is mine, Sorrow is mine, Beauty is mine
no matter the origin ..
Accepting all as one I accept it all

Walk with me…
          Play with me….
                    Dance with me….
                              Share with me, Dare with me, Care with me…
Surrounded.. let us enjoy it all  ..  every little thing in it’s perfection.

Linda Brown-Thacker 12/10/97



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